Casco Bay Direct Primary Care | South Portland, Maine

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A Patient Like Nancy

Nancy is an older woman, a lovely retired school teacher that I’ve taken care of for many years.

She came in last year for her annual exam, but had also recently been hospitalized for congestive heart failure. Nancy had experienced another big change that year…her husband of forty years had rapidly progressing Alzheimer’s dementia.

Nancy’s appointment was my typical thirty minutes for an annual exam. We had medication changes to clarify, hospital records to discuss, a physical examination to perform, and vaccinations that needed to be administered. We also had to review the six pages of forms that the patient is required to complete in order for Medicare to cover this appointment. But what Nancy needed time for that day was to talk about her husband and his decline. Her children lived in another state. Nancy was stressed and grieving and she needed someone to talk to….me.

Perhaps we could schedule a follow up appointment in a few weeks to complete what we didn’t get to today, I was thinking as Nancy kept talking. But I knew my next available appointment was over 3 months away. I tried my best to listen, but felt pressured to move the appointment along. She and I both left the appointment dissatisfied.

I thought a lot about that day and Nancy. And all my other patients, just like Nancy.  I wanted to have the time to sit and just listen.  Provide empathy and guidance. To just be with her. There is value and worth in simply listening to your patient, and in them being HEARD.

It was as I was ruminating about Nancy, that I stumbled across an article about Direct Primary Care. It seemed to be a hidden gem! Too good to be true? A way to practice medicine that strengthens and enhances the doctor-patient relationship by improving access and time with the physician. I was sold! Reimagining that last appointment with Nancy, I realized that in a different healthcare model our visit could have been more personal and unrushed. Our relationship could have been deepened.

I know in this world of modern medicine, patients are craving more time with their doctors…and here at Casco Bay Direct Primary Care, we are craving more time with you too.